Practice Wear

Frankford PTA Has Your Student Athletic Wear Available!


The school district will provide uniforms for all 7th & 8th grade students participating in Frankford Athletics.



All 6th graders who have registered for pre-athletics must purchase athletic wear athletic wear through the PTA HERE.

All student athletes must wear practice wear during the athletic class period. Practice wear includes a gray t-shirt and gray shorts.

General athletics gear is available for purchase at any time throughout the year. Sport-specific items will be for sale after the parent meeting for each sport.


For questions about Frankford athletic wear, please contact Jill Carpenter, Athletics Chair, at


Physical Exam Forms and Paperwork

No student will be allowed to participate in athletics (including practices and tryouts) without completing all athletic forms and turning in your health physical exam forms.

You can download and complete your athletic forms here

Forms are available after July 1 each year.


  1. All athletes must submit RankOne electronic forms at the beginning of each school year. These forms may be found here. (same as link above needs to be added)

  2. All athletes must submit a copy of a physical evaluation. New Plano ISD policy states that this must be done every year instead of every two years. Once completed, this form may be submitted electronically to Coach Barton at or a hard copy may be turned in as well.

  3. No athlete may participate in any tryout, practice, or workout until all forms have been submitted.

If you have any questions about any of these forms or about Athletics in general, please contact Coach Barton at


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